sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017

My course programme

Study architecture could be a very stressful experience, especially if the course programme is not the accurate. This career is know by the fact that you need to be able to create something from nothing, only using your imagination, creativity and the little knowledge we have about architecture.

Resultado de imagen para workloadThe principal course we have in the career is workshop, this course requires the most of our time and dedication, leaving us a few hours en the week to focus in the other subjects we have. The workload that this generates is huge, because all the stress that we have at workshop it is added together with the homework and activities from the others courses.

Is obvious that workshop is like the most important course in the career but that does not mean that is the only course we have, and sometimes it feels like it because of the teachers opinions (it obviously depends in the teacher), they could be very subjective at the moment of evaluating and that makes us focus more in workshop (to be improve) and less in the other courses. Despite that the faculty of architecture has a great environment to work and that is a relief at the moment of stress.

Other fact that relief the workload of workshop and the other courses in the career is that we can use the technology for many things that makes our life easier at the moment of work; I think that if this was not present our experience at the career will be more difficult that it is.

Resultado de imagen para manejo del tiempo
In any case the workload of the career is something that we have to learn to manage, and that is something that nobody teaches you. You have to discover it by yourself.

1 comentario:

  1. OMG I just love ur blog!!! u re so inspiring omg! can we meet someday? would really like 2 see u and talk to u about stuff!! I think im a frumpilumpi lover <3 <3


My course programme

Study architecture could be a very stressful experience, especially if the course programme is not the accurate. This career is know by the...