viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

English Course at University

This semester I’ve decided to take the English course at the university. At first I wasn’t very sure about it, because I did not think I was able to managed my times with one extra course. After many time thinking about it I trust in my instincts and I take the course.

Resultado de imagen para englishAt the beginning of the course the class wasn’t so interesting, because we didn’t know each other and the conversations activities were kind of forced. With the pass of the time this change. We were able to speak in class without been nervous. The Blogs was the principal responsible of that because it was a way for use to interact with our classmates and know a little more about their lives and experience at different situations, that sometimes were very similar to ours.

I think that during the course I have improve myself at the use of English and self-confidence at the time of speaking with others. But I still can be better at it, for that I could practice more at my free time, so I could went used to speak without troubles.

Using English outside the class is not my reality, we are used to speak in Spanish and the situations outside this class aren’t the better ones for the use of English. Sometimes I see movies or series sin English but that’s it, that is kind of my relation with English. But I want to change that, I want to have more time were I could talk in English so I can improve at it.  

3 comentarios:

  1. I think the same, this course I also improved myself, and my confidence as well.

  2. We have so many ways to use english outside this course, maybe you can try reading or writing a book, or talking to yourself, it's funny haha but this class helped us to improve and that's awesome.

  3. The English subject really not require many time, the important is take a good schedule


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